Sunday, August 5, 2007

Seduction Tips That Will Work For Both Men And Women

Seduction is an art that needs to be done precisely in order to obtain any results from both men and women. Here are a few seduction tips that I hope will help you seduce your partner successfully every single time.

Create The Mood

Probably the most important part in seduction is creating the atmosphere in order to set the right mood. There are many ways in which you can set the right atmosphere and it is up to you to decide how elaborate to be; you can start by having a candle lit diner, it is important it is candle lit because or at least you dim the lights in the dining area as dim lights always bring a romantic allure.

If you don’t feel like cooking a candle light diner, which does take a lot of work you can set the mood after a normal diner by reaching for a bottle of wine and some crackers, slow music, which you must ensure that is what he or she likes.

Dress To Seduce

The next seduction tip is dressing for the occasion, which is as important especially for men who are aroused by visuals therefore get in the right lingerie and be as provocative as possible in your talks and actions.

If however, you don’t want to be too direct the nest seduction tip will take you to apply a massage to your partner; you can apply a massage on the whole body or on a particular part of the body for example, for women men can start being seductive by giving them a foot massage.

Prepare The Bedroom

Yet another great seduction tip will lead you straight to be bedroom where you don’t have to do much but ensure that you have satin or silk sheets, dim light or scented candles and music of choice; champagne or a glass of wine is always welcome as long as both you and your partner enjoy it.

However, if you have missed the diner, after diner, and the bedroom seduction possibilities, here is a seduction tip that you can use on your partner when in bed or even when he or she is asleep; a light massage or caress can awake the senses of both men and women and it is probably the most successful seduction tip of all because you are having direct contact with the person by touching the skin, which automatically awakes the senses.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

About Speed Seduction

When Is Speed Seduction Appropriate?

The art of seduction is very time sensitive, and sometimes it can be hard to gauge how much is too much too soon. But occasionally you might not have a lot of time to communicate your interest in someone, so you might have to make your flirting a speed seduction. Speed seduction should be used only in cases where you have a small window to flirt with someone.


If you’ve been trying to flirt with someone all evening, and they suddenly announce their departure, this is a great time to employ your speed seduction. Be blunt with speed seduction. You don’t have time to drop subtle hints and wait for someone to take your bait. When the person in questions announces that they’re leaving, try offering to escort them outside. Say something like “I’m so glad to walk you about because I’ve been trying to get your attention all evening.” Then present an opportunity for the two of you to casually meet up again. If you have mutual friends try to plan an event you can both attend. Otherwise, suggest an opportunity to get together, like coffee or lunch.

Don’t go too far with your speed seduction, since you don’t have time to allow your interested party to warm up to you. Make your invitation light, something the person can be comfortable doing with you without knowing you very much at all.

Chance Encounters

You pop into the deli by your office for lunch and strike up a conversation with an incredibly attractive person about the best sandwiches to try. You’ve got to get back to the office for a meeting, but you’ve also got to see this person again. Employ a little speed seduction to ensure this can happen. If you have a business card on you, make sure you give it to them and just mention that you’re always open for good lunch company. Or just say you have to run, but ask them if they’d like to meet you at the same place tomorrow for a sandwich.

Speed seduction is crucial
in the event of change encounters because you didn’t anticipate this person’s presence, and you need to create an opportunity to see them again. Be tactful.

Large Crowds

Another appropriate situation to employ speed seduction is in a crowded place. You’ve bumped into someone you find very attractive and you’re afraid you’re going to lose them in the crowd, or they’re searching for friends and have to move away from you. Be blunt without being too overt. Ask them if you can buy them drink if appropriate in the situation, or if necessary just ask them if you can give them your phone number to chat at a more opportune time. Speed seduction is your only hope in this case.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Supervise Internet Teen Seduction

How To Supervise Internet Teen Seduction

Teenagers enjoy seduction games and practices even though most of the times they don’t mean them but will do them on a challenge and/or to see what the outcome will be; the Internet has become a main source of meeting people and a dangerous place for teen seduction. Here are some tips on how to monitor your teenager’s activities on the Internet and also ensure that he or she will never be a teen seduction victim.

Talk To Your Teenagers

Today one can find everything and anything in the Internet especially meeting people; teenagers are the number one target, as they are often gullible and will fall for the teen seduction techniques some Internet predators practice. It is extremely important that you talk to your teenagers and make them aware of such dangers and how to spot them.

If your teenager is planning to meet someone from the Internet in person ensure you get someone to go along if your child does not want you to accompany him or her; always make your teenager have a mobile phone that is switched on him or her in case of any emergency.

Try to be as open as possible with your teenager and you may have the possibility to be asked of your opinion his or her Internet friends however, teenagers usually like to be secretive about such things and you need to be very intuitive and at times make your child speak to you for his or her own safety.

Report Teen Seduction

If you suspect any abnormal teen seduction on the Internet of otherwise, report it immediately as the person may have just barely got away and could try it again on yet another teenager.

Helpful Tip

Remember that your teenager is an adult and treat him or her like one if you want to become his or her friend and you may have the change to know first hand of any teen seduction happening on the Internet or otherwise. However, also respect the fact that teenagers explore the sexual life for the first time and are attracted to any and every little piece of information especially on teen seduction.

As part of your sexual lesson chat with your child it is also important that you mention about seduction and how it works, as briefly or as in detail as you feel comfortable; you can also provide your child with books on the subject and invite him or her to chat with you if he or she has any questions.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Info On Flirting Skills

Do You Think Flirting Skills Come Naturally?

Flirting is an art, but one that nearly every person has, or can achieve at some point in their lives. There is no right or wrong way to flirt, and as long as a person has the ability to express how they feel about someone, they don’t need any special flirting skills. Flirting has been around as long as people have, because it is the basis of what was once known as courtship. Courtship was once the way people demonstrated their attraction to another person and that is the basis of flirting as well.

Throughout the years, flirting has changed in its nature, as it has gone from very proper and official for serious relationship prospects to flirting with anyone who may be somewhat attractive and spark someone’s interest. While there is no scientific basis to flirting skills, there are a number of things that have proven to be effective in most cases. The following two paragraphs will break down the basics of flirting skills for both males and females.

So Here Are Some Flirting Skills for Women...

Presuming that men are the aim of a woman’s flirting, they can do a great deal to get a man’s attention. Confidence seems to be what almost all men say they find attractive in a woman. Women who exude confidence tend to be set in their ways and beliefs, and a guy can count on them having an opinion and thus interesting interactions. Not only that, but when a man gives a girl a compliment, he likes to know she appreciates it instead of not believing him.

Eye contact is also important when it comes to flirting. You need to let your interest know that you are pursuing them without a doubt. Some say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and hence letting someone see that will undoubtedly spark their interest. Dropping hints about someone’s appearance or characteristics can be another way to let them know you’re interested. Finally, a gentle touch on the shoulder or the back can be appropriate, but can also be risky as some people will shy away from touch and become offended. It’s a fine line, but if you find that other flirting skills aren’t working, you may wish to try a gentle touch.

And Ofcourse Some Flirting Skills for Men...

Men are frequently at risk for being too overt or offensive when it comes to flirting with women, but there are ways to attract a woman’s attention without causing affront. Because women are intuitive, men don’t have to do much to show they are interested. A little compliment goes a long way, and that is often the key to getting her attention.

Women love to be told they are beautiful or attractive, smart or intelligent, but only when the compliment is genuine. Women like to be doted over, but not too much because it then becomes annoying and appears fake. A light hand on the shoulder or back can make her melt, but in good time.

Rushing into a physical dimension of flirting can be considered aggressive and will turn her off quickly. Your best bet is to look her in the eye with a genuine smile and a sparkle in your eye. Making her lock her gaze on you will let you both know if there is a possible connection, so that you can move forward accordingly. There is no right or wrong way to flirt, it just takes a little intuition and determination to make it work. That's all...

So, good luck or should I say: ''To your flirting succes...''

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Text Flirting

Chivalry is Not Dead: Letter Writing is the Best Form of Text Flirting

In modern society, if you heard the word “text,” most likely you would equate it with text messages on a cell phone. However, long before technology, the word “text” referred to the written word. For hundred of years, many things were handwritten. Thus, when you’re looking to bring a little romance into your life, why not be old-fashioned and do some text flirting letter-style.

Text Flirting Requires the Proper Paper

If you decide to do some text flirting in the form of a letter to the object of your affection, you must have the proper paper. Although words are what hold the most power in text flirting, if you wrote a wonderful letter on a piece of loose-leaf paper, chances are your words will lose a little of their magic.

So, when you decided to do some text flirting letter-style, be sure you get some nice paper. Ideas include the decorative paper that you see for printers in office supply stores, or buy a nice stationery set.

Text Flirting Requires the Proper Writing Instrument

If you were to write a letter with just a regular pen or pencil that could be smudged, that would be rather boring. Instead, make your words come alive by buying a gel pen in a unique color! Or, if you want to be really unique, and already know how to use one, purchase a calligraphy pen.

Text Flirting Requires the Proper Words

Most importantly, any text flirting that you do letter-style needs to be written in the right words. You don’t have to be Shakespeare, just be sure that whatever it is you decide to write expresses your feelings in a way that is not too overbearing. After all, the point of flirting is to be subtle!

If writing is a talent of yours, then use that talent to your advantage. Write your loved one a poem, or do an acrostic using the letters of their name, in which you list all the things you admire about them.

For many years, the greatest love stories in literature featured their main characters writing affectionate letters to each other. Indeed, writing a letter is a much more personal way to express your feelings, because technology, although fun, often results in romantic words being rather statically conveyed. So try your hand at letter writing. No doubt the object of your affection will appreciate it.